Friday, September 2, 2011

Product Review: Philadelphia Cooking Creme

My second product review... featuring more chicken!  I did mention that we eat a LOT of chicken in my house!

I have seen commercials for the Philadelphia Cooking Creme (in four different flavors).  I decided to try it out.  When I got to the isle (next to the sour cream and cream cheese) I looked at the back of each.  This one seemed the safest.

I chopped up chicken in small pieces and cooked on a skillet (I seasoned the chicken using different spices).  All the while I had some whole wheat pasta boiling.  After the chicken was done, I added 2 cups of frozen veggies.  I used corn and peas because that is what I had.  I think carrots and onions and peppers would also taste great! 

After a couple minutes when the veggies were no longer frozen I poured in the cream and heated for a couple minutes.

This is child friendly, and relatively healthy. With one pound of chicken, 2 cups of veggies, and pasta this makes about 5 servings. You could also add more pasta to get more servings.

The hubs really liked it.  He preferred it to the orange chicken, and thought the creme tasted like ranch.

I also liked it, however,  I thought the flavor of the creme was really strong. I didn't put too much pasta, so that could be the reason.  Next time I will add more chicken (the container called for 1 pound) and more veggies.  

The price was OK (right under $3) but I think it is a good way to give some variety to our favorite form of protein.  

Here is what ours looked like:
Yum! It was also good left over!! 

Overall, this is a good buy just make sure to add enough other items so it is not so strong.  Also, this tastes pretty good reheated! Much better than the orange chicken did!

-Domesticated Duchess

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